Friday, August 24, 2007

Faith Lift Friday

Encourage others and yourself! Share a scripture, quote, devotional, lyrics, or anything that has blessed you and strengthened you in your faith.Don't forget to grab the button and to link back to Sheryl's post

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there will be your heart also" (Matthew 6:19-21)

For the past week or so I have been reading this book.
Breathe - Creating Space for God in a Hectic Life I cannot tell you how refreshing this has been. I really keep saying I want to slow down, enjoy the moments and simplify. This has some great ways of putting things like hectic schedules, and being scattered everywhere to rest and how to be mindful and how to create sabbath simplicity. It really is helping me as I am really working on re shifting my focus and attention for myself and my family to where it needs to be. I have found myself thinking of this book during my day when I handle situations with the kids and I do, I refocus, pray on spot if I need to and we move through smoothly.

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Take the 100 Acre Personality Quiz!
KC and Lori N both did this little quiz, so I thought I would see who I was. Unfortunately I cannot disagree with it. I will be the first to admit I talk too much Embarrassed I will say that I always pictured myself as a mix between Tigger and Eeyore though.

Preschool thoughts

I've just made a new decision and I am so excited about it. With school fast approaching, Bill and I were talking the other night about Elena going back into pre-school this year and miss Natalie was sitting with us. She is on a "I too" kick. She is funny. Anyways, when I said Elena was going back to school, Natalie pipes in with her "I too" I tell her nope she won't go to preschool until next year when she is three and maybe I will wait longer to send my baby. Then a thought occurs to me..

I've always had it in my head that my kids were perfectly staggered and I would spend 6 straight years at preschool and I realized... I don't have to send Natalie to preschool for 2 years. I can wait until she is 4 to send her. Elena will be in kindergarten next year and I would have more time one on one with the baby. I can work with her on her colors, shapes, numbers etc. I am not as concerned with the socialization aspect that I was with the other kids especially with Ethan who never was around any little kids. Natalie always has kids around, plus she'll be going to MOPS. I was getting a little sad thinking I only had one year left with my baby. Now I just gained another! Whoo-hoo!

Oh yea, plus saving tuition for pre-school for a year- Another Bonus!!

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Wordless Wednesday-New Shoes

I had to share this, miss Natalie has her own fashion opinions which is funny at her age. She is obsessed with flip-flops, so I finally found a pair that would fit her. Right up her alley shiny silver with flowers on them. She was honestly jumping up and down in the store. Had to put them on right away. And had to show them to anyone who would come near her. She got up and picked out her fave pants- the leopard print, picked a white shirt and even a black bow to match. Then of course had to pick out her new shoes. I just kept thinking of that song- new shoes- so I had to play it with the pick! Happy Wednesday!
Check out more wordless Wednesday here.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Tackle It Tuesday

It has been so rainy and dreary here. I am hopping it will clear by the weekend!! My tackles for today are to get the things ready for Ethan's birthday party with his friends this weekend. It has been a tradition since he was 3 that we make a pinata for his party. Usually try to go along with the theme. For some reason in all the hussle and bussle each year, I manage to not snap a picture of them. I make sure we capture the cake, but the pinata never makes it. So far we have made a rainbow, multi-colored, a spider, superman symbol and this year spiderman. Here is Ethan helping me work on spiderman.So today I need to finish the bottom, buy candy and treats to fill it, buy the items for the cupcakes, drinks, snacks etc.
Go to the church for MOPS pre-registration
Take the kids to McDonalds for lunch (they need to get out! Been cooped inside for days)
Clean out the girls bedroom
Clean out the hall closet.
I know I am suppose to share before and after pics, but really nobody wants to see THAT mess!
Hope you all are have a productive Tuesday!!

My 100th post!

I finally did it! The past few times I have been on, I am neck and neck with my family blog. But this blog beat it! I know most of you are waaaay past 100th posts, but I am celebrating mine today!! I am not gonna spend the time trying to think of 100 things about myself, as I don't know that I could come up with that list, so I will share this 100 item with you.

I need to start writing down websites when I see them instead of thinking I will remember them. Anyways. Here is 100 ways to praise your child

Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Wordless Wednesday - Fair time again

These are from our county fair last year, will have this years to share later this week:)

Monday, August 13, 2007

Something you don't want to hear

When you are in the shower....

Ethan: "MOM! Natalie just knocked all the power out of my room! She used that thing you use to paddle us with, that you have one in the kitchen too (wooden spoon) and hit my nightlite (still plugged into the wall) and everything went black."

Me: WHAT???

Again, never a dull moment around here :)

Friday, August 10, 2007

Faith-Lift Fridays

Encourage others and yourself! Share a scripture, quote, devotional, lyrics, or anything that has blessed you and strengthened you in your faith.Don't forget to grab the button and to link back to Sheryl's post.
This is my first time posting on Faith Lift Fridays, but lately I have had something on my heart and I wanted to share.
This summer has been a fun one for our family, but as we are wrapping it up, one thing mommy is not focusing on is her relationship with Christ. I told myself at the beginning of summer that I wasn't going to miss church because of summer activities and here we are in August and its been a good month since we've went. I pray often, but I haven't opened my bible as much as I should or read with the children from their bibles. Well I am noticing a difference in everything I do. I have been having trouble sleeping, (I went a good week with hardly sleeping at all) I have been having problems with the kids and with my temper. Everything in my life has been affected. I knew in my heart I just needed to drop to my knees, but that stubborness in me kept saying Oh no you can do this - just keep going.
Well I have been helping lead a summer bible study (which I didn't feel like I should seeing my heart just wasn't in the right place, but helping lead also made sure that I went when each week I never felt like going) We have met the last few weeks in a row and this past week was a bad one for me. I was walking around in an angry, tired mess. I knew what I needed to do to change my heart and luckily a verse kept coming back to me that we reviewed.
Matthew 11:28
Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.
Luckily I was pushed to my limit and locked myself in the bathroom, had a good talk with God and am starting over. We talked in our group about how important it is to seek the quiet time with God, how even Jesus escaped to be in prayer. I haven't had any alone time lately. Everyhing I do, everywhere I go, I have the kids with me. I need to make more time just to have a break- a few moments of quiet. I have put it back at the top of the list and am making a point to start my day in his word and putting my focus back where it needs to be. It's amazing to me how the Lord does respond to our prayers. I have slept the past two nights wonderfully and we had a great day with the kids yesterday, lots of laughter, no tears or yelling. Thanks be to GOD!

Wednesday, August 08, 2007

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Tackle It Tuesday

My tackle for today I really am hoping to get done. We set out yesterday to attempt it and the day was cut short by rowdy children who thought that stores were a playground and refused to hear otherwise. (Not Good)
My tackle is....... (dun, dun, dun) THE SCHOOL SUPPLY LIST!!! School Supplies

I have picked up a few things, but with school just 3 weeks away I would like to have it done and out of the way. I don't like to have that lingering that we still need things, so if it is complete, I can focus on enjoying the last few weeks of summer - which has been hard to do the past few days. I will post on that later. I will update you all if I succeed at my mission for the day.
Have a great Tuesday!!

Monday, August 06, 2007

Meal Plan Monday

Well last week's menu turned into something completely different. So pretty much the plan is most of what I had planned for last week since I still have it all on hand. With the exception that I have a recipe to share. Most of you who read my blog probably see the local paper, but I found this snack in Saturdays paper and thought it looked yummy so we made it. It was also found on the betty crocker website which you can see here.

Frozen Yogonanas
2 containers (6oz each) strawberry yogurt
14 popsicle sticks
7 lg bananas
2 c finely crushed golden grahams cereal

Put waxed paper down on a cookie sheet.
Cut the bananas in half. Insert popsicle stick, dip into yogurt and then sprinkle them with cereal.

My tip to you is make sure the cereal is finely crushed. We had some chunkier pieces because I thought it would be nice and crunchy. They were soft and the kids didn't care for those. The crushed ones were yummy though!

As far as food for the week it will be a mix

Monday: mil cooking - who knows what goodies we will be served

Tuesday: BLT sandwiches and fries

Wednesday:Ravioli, italian style veggies, garlic bread

Thursday:chicken and potatoes

Friday: Southwestern salad - if this one is good which it looks like it will be, I will share the recipe next week.

Saturday: Hot dogs, pork and beans

That's about it for now. Have a great week!!
Check out I'm an Organizing Junkie for more!

Thursday, August 02, 2007

I love the word FREE!

I have to say I am a little excited today. One of the local grocery stores Giant Eagle has a reward points program. You know, spend $50 and save .20 off your gas? Well I happen to own a gas hog car so I take advantage when I can. Now I realize that I technically have had to make purchases to receive the discounts, but believe me I don't shop there for everything. Only what is on sale OR what I have a coupon for.(Double coupons up to .99!)
So I have been patiently saving my points up and trying to cut back on out of town or even across town trips so I wouldn't need to fill up the tank. Last night I ran in to grab a few items and guess what? I did it!! I get a free tank of gas! Whoo-Hoo!
I just had to share that because I do love getting good deals and free is as good as it gets!