Monday, December 31, 2007

New Years Eve!

New Years Eve. A day to reflect on the past year, time to embrace all the wonderful things that took place. Remember those who are no longer with us. To think of changes you would like to make and what you never would like to be any different.

This year for me was a different one. I personally feel I have changed a lot. Really took a look at my life and stopped stressing over the small details. Declined a lot of invitations and really spent a lot of down time. A lot of alone time. Which sounds kind of depressing, but I learned a lot about myself this year. In the past I was so worried about pleasing everyone and something in me clicked and I realized that I no longer needed to do that. I was pleased with myself and no one else's opinions of me should affect that. Anyways. It was a good year. So here's hoping 2008 will be even better!

Also today is my husband and my wedding anniversary. Eight years! We have been together for 12 so it feels like, We've only been married 8? So I need to go downstairs and bust out the wedding video to watch. I love looking back on that. Best New Years Eve of my life! We have fun on New Years, We are pretty much homebodies. We have friends over, some family stops by and we eat lots of unhealthy food and play games all night. So I am looking forward to tonight.

To all of you I wish you a Safe, Healthy New Years and Blessings to all of you in 2008!!

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Karaoke Theme Song

Your Karaoke Theme Song is "I'm Too Sexy"

You're a total goof ball and a bit of a nut job. You don't take yourself seriously at all.
And while you may not be the greatest singer, you're the first to volunteer for karaoke.

You have a wild and unpredictable sense of humor that always gets people cracking up.
Irreverent and rebellious, your humor knows no bounds or limits. You enjoy shocking people.

You might also sing: "Like a Virgin," "Ice Ice Baby," and "Hey Ya!"

Stay away from people who sing: "Sweet Home Alabama"
I have to absolutely LOL at the "You might also sing" part because when I was in 6th grade, at my uncle's wedding while the band was taking a break my cousins and I goofed around with the microphones, the band came back and tricked us into singing "Like a Virgin" because I was such a Madonna fan at the time. Looking back what a horrible song for a 12 yr old to be belting out! Had no idea but it is funny to look back on! Here is me at that breakout gig:)

Saturday, December 15, 2007

More Christmas Fun - What Color Christmas Tree

You Should Have a Blue Christmas Tree

For you, the holidays represent a time of calm, understanding, and peace.
You avoid family fights, and you don't get too stressed out - even when things are crazy!

You like to make Christmas about making everyone's life a little bit better.
You don't get caught up in greed or commercialism. You're too sincere for that.

Your blue tree would look great with: Lots of silver tinsel

You should spend Christmas Eve watching: It's a Wonderful Life

What you should bake for Santa: Chocolate chip cookies

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

Thirteen ornaments or decorations my kids have made this year.

The last one is my fave. First he made the tree, then he made presents to go under, then last night he made the tree skirt and the people holding hands dancing around the tree. Love it!

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Calling Daddy, When are you coming home?

For more Wordless Wednesday posts click here

Monday, December 10, 2007

Crappy Christamas Gifts

You Are a Fruitcake!

You taste like nothing else in this world.
And get ready, you're about to get tossed!
Ha, Ha, Ha
That is all I can say...

Cookies, cookies and more cookies!

For about 6 years now I have been hosting a cookie exchange. I try to get at least about a dozen ladies together to each bring a different cookie and we swap. So nice because there is less baking for me to do. Before I did this I used to get together with my Grandma and cousins. Now since my cousins abandoned me and moved to Arizona, I started a new tradition. Although I am working on transferring those videos of our cookie parties to digital (so watch out Liz - you may just pop over here and see yourself in all your cookie making glory :0 )So once the girls got together, we had to laugh when we realized how many of us were bloggers. So you know what the conversation was like. Way over Traci and Kim's heads. So if some of you are lurking and wondering who these lovely bloggers are there is Lori, Jenn, and KCHo, Ho, Ho looking so festive is Shaunda And Rachel stopped by too! She wasn't able to participate, but dropped in to say Hi! Her little guy is in the Hospital and has been for the last week. He now is going to have surgery and will be hospitalized for a few weeks. She has 3 other kids and the hospital is quite a distance. If you want to see what is going on with them, click on her name. Please send prayers her way. Her family is in need of all they can get!!
So my family was happy that we have a house full of treats. We are loaded with Ginger molasses cookies, Snicker doodles and sugar cookies that I made and also Monster cookies. gingersnaps, chocolate noodles, m&m cookies, chocolate peppermint, peanut butter kisses, spritz cookies, peanut butter cookies. Yum, yum. My dad informed me that grandma made her pecan tarts so I am gonna have to stop by and load up on those too. Oh and me and the girls are gonna have exercise time each day so we will either be doing yoga or dancing with the stars. I just got back into my old size clothes (a little over 3 years later) I love me some Christmas cookies, but I can't let them get the best of me. Oh going to the dentist next week too!

Saturday, December 01, 2007

What's your ELF Name?

Your Elf Name Is...

Grumpy Cartwheels
I saw this on Shaunda's blog and then over at Jenn's I just have to LOL Grumpy Cartwheels? Oh that is just funny.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

No Tackles, Just Time Well Spent

What a great week. ThisThanksgiving for whatever reason was just a good one. Maybe because I didn't have the stress of hosting. I had easy side dishes to prepare and we were eating at 5pm instead of our usual 1pm. But I woke up early before the rest of the house, watched my fave Thanksgiving movie (Home for the Holidays) had my coffee, caught some turkey bowling on TV and just hung out with the family. Bill and the kids spent most of the day playing card games. It was nice. I am so thankful for this family God has blessed me with.

I did manage to sneak out Friday evening and get more Christmas shopping done. I am doing pretty good with it this year. Doing online shopping which is something I really haven't done before. I even have a few people finished up. I love it!! I know some of you out there are done already and good for you. I usually like to get out a little when it is actually Christmas time so I can soak up all the decorations and listen to the wonderful music. So I usually don't even start until December.

We had our daughters birthday party Saturday and we had a good turnout. She had some of her friends there and some cousins we don't see very often showed up too. We went swimming at a local hotel and it was so much fun. It went off without a hitch until last night when I realized I left my charger to my camera plugged in the wall in our room. I need to call today and see if they still have it. My dh is gonna think I did it on purpose since I have been pricing cameras and getting ready to upgrade. Now without a charger I will be forced to buy a new one. I really didn't plan that out and I hope they still have it as it will be a few weeks before I purchase anything new.

This was our first time staying in a hotel with our kids. I know bad parents, we just don't travel with our kids. Heck, we don't travel at all!! I am just waiting until they are older when they aren't so wild. But they were really good. They thought it was just great to sleep there and wake up and eat breakfast there. They will really love it this winter when we stay overnight at one of the indoor water parks. This was just a warm up for them.
We got home Sunday and put up our Christmas Tree. I am loving how excited Natalie is getting. I have 2 trees up right now and we will have 3. Since my mil lives here now, she has a tree with all her special ornaments so I told her she could put it up in our dining room. The one at the top of the stairs I put up last week, so when we put up the living room tree Natalie said "2 trees??" She thought that was great. And then yesterday I got out my lighted garland to wrap the banister and she says "more trees?" She is so cute these days I could gobble her up!

Yesterday was Elena's real birthday. She is officially 5! My mil took her out to lunch and gave her presents and then my aunt stopped by after work and hung out with us for a little bit and brought her another gift. We made cut out turkey cookies for her to bring to school today and frosted them last night. We all went to church and had our picture taken for our directory and it actually came out! They luckily put a bright red background up that did not look good with our outfits, so it saved me spending a bunch of money.

Today I get to spend time with my grandma. She gets together with her sisters and they have a bingo party. They bring gifts for prizes and then have a potluck. I haven't went for years and I am looking forward to it. Me and Natalie will go and spend time with them while Ethan and Elena are in school.

So just sharing what has been going on with me the last few days. It was a great weekend and I am so Thankful for it!

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Wordless Wednesday - Happy Thanksgiving!

For more Wordless Wednesday posts, click here.

Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!!

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Tackle it Tuesday

I am so excited! One of the things that has kept me from blogging is my super slow computer. We have high speed cable Internet, but our memory was soo low, my computer was bogged down and it took forever to do anything! So my hubby finally got this baby an update and I am amazed. It is like having a new computer again. I was pulling up websites last night and couldn't believe it didn't take an hour! YAY!! So some of your sites that I used to visit I can come by again. Love it!

So I have a few tackles for today. I am helping at my daughters preschool for their Thanksgiving feast. I love to do this, they dress up like pilgrims and Indians. Last year Elena dressed up like a pilgrim, this year she is an Indian. I always am surprised at how many preschoolers eat the turkey dinner.

I have to head to the post office and ship out a camera I just sold on eBay. I am loving this eBay thing. Definitely can see myself walking around my house and just selling everything for the pure thrill of the auction. Could seriously be dangerous. Must proceed with caution.

Also each of the kids are going to have friends over after school which will help me as they won't be needing my constant attention. My tackles for today are the upstairs and downstairs closets. Since the mother in law moved in, I lost some closet space and am freaking because I don't know where to hide Christmas presents!! We are very limited with hiding places in this house. So today I am going to create some space.

At some point I need to sneak over to the next town and buy a few things that are on my shopping list for Christmas. All on sale for 4 day pre -Thanksgiving sales. Savings of like $50, so I gotta get over and do it!

Just need to make some space first. Not too hard of a tackle today and no, no pictures are allowed as It really is overfilled and nobody wants to see those messes.

Monday, November 19, 2007

Menu Monday and other ramblings

I have been doing things for meal planning a little different these days. Since my hubby works pretty much about 9-10 mths out of the year and will be home here in a few weeks, I have been trying to make sure we have at least 3 weeks worth of meals on hand. So instead of just planning weekly, I have a running list on the side of our fridge of meals on hand and we just pick something. It has worked really well although right now we are full. I won a 10lb turkey from my son's pto raffle and we almost didn't have room in the freezer for it!!

Monday: Chicken Quesadillas and Tomato soup -chicken soup for Natalie. She caught a bug yesterday:(
Tuesday: Mother in Law cooking
Wednesday: Tator tot casserole
Thursday: Gobble, Gobble - Guess what we'll be eating??
Friday: Thanksgiving leftover casserole - Love this!!
Saturday: My daughter's 5th Birthday party. Pizza and cake!!
Sunday: Spaghetti pie, salad

We don't eat turkey for days and days I try to make as many meals as I can out of the leftovers and freeze them so we can enjoy turkey a little here and there. Last year I was able to make
Turkey soup, Turkey Chili, Turkey Tetrazzini and The Turkey Casserole

3 Tbls butter
2 Tbls flour
1can (12 oz) Evaporated Milk
1 C water
1/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp black pepper
1/4 tsp onion powder
2 Tbls butter
1 C finely crushed herb-seasoned dry bread stuffing mix (I used stove top)
1 C cooked, diced turkey
1 C shredded cheddar cheese
2 C leftover mashed potatoes
1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Lightly grease a 9x13 baking dish

2. Melt 3 Tbls butter in a saucepan over low heat. Blend in flour, Slowly stir in evaporated milk and water, then season with salt, pepper and onion powder. Stir sauce over low heat for 5 min.

3. In a separate saucepan, over low heat, melt 2 tbls butter. Blend in the dry stuffing mix.

4. Place turkey in the baking dish, pour sauce over the turkey, then sprinkle with Cheddar cheese. Spread mashed potatoes over cheese. Top mashed potatoes with the stuffing mixture.

5. Bake 45 min

I am getting almost giddy this week knowing it is the official kick off of the Christmas season. We had an early Thanksgiving get together this past weekend with family and it really put me into high gear! I really am looking forward to this Holiday with our 2 year old. She is really starting to talk and I know she will be so much fun!

I hope everyone has lots of yummy meals planned for this week! Let the Holiday food begin :)

oh yea, Hop over to Laura's blog for more meal planning.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Wordless Wednesday

Happy Halloween! Check out more wordless wednesday posts here...

Monday, October 29, 2007

Menu Plan Monday

Here we go back into fall in full swing! Last night the temps were to be freezing and the trees are all in full color. A week from now it will be bare and chilly. yuck. So I am gearing up with my comfort foods. yum! Also gearing up with a workout routine. I will not let this Holiday season and all its yumminess hang around on me!!
So for the week this is what we will be chowing on.
Monday: Spaghetti pie, Parmesan and Romano cheese garlic bread, salad
Tuesday: Trick or Treat night. We go to my grandma's for dinner and let them see the kids in their costumes, then come home and pass out treats. So pizza for dinner tonight.
Wednesday: Cheddar Baked Potato Soup, Bread sticks
Thursday: Mother in Law cooks, who knows what it will be this week!
Friday: Sausage Penne Pasta, Green beans
Saturday: Sloppy Joes, Tator Tots, corn on the cobs
Sunday: Pork Roast, mashed potatoes, Mediterranean style veggies.
That's our week, what cooking at your house this week? Let me know if you stop by and I'll come see what's on your menu!
To check out more menu ideas go see Laura!

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Mom Blog Quiz

So as I am trying to catch up on blogs for the past week, I come across this quiz. Love to do these silly quizzes so I had to see what my results were. I really wasn't surprised as I never can seem to manage to find the time to keep this ol' blog up. Thanks for the quiz kc and tina
The mom blogger quiz from MamaBlogga
Take the Mom Blogger quiz!

Congratulations! You have a life! You have a blog, too, but you'd never let that get in the way of your real life. Good for you. How I envy you.

Friday, October 19, 2007

Faith Lift Fridays

Encourage others and yourself! Share a scripture, quote, devotional, lyrics, or anything that has blessed you and strengthened you in your faith. Don't forget to grab the button and to link back to Sheryl's post.
I cannot say that I have read anything lately that has made me think, or be inspired. In fact with things turning gray and the sun not shining as much this week, it has really had an impact on me. Not liking it. But I have been loving this song. We sang it at a women's retreat our church had and we sing it in church. It's one of those songs that I just get the urge to belt out as I am doing things around the house so I thought I would share the words with you.
(I also have it playing on my playlist)


We stand and lift up our hands

For the joy of the Lord is our strength

We bow down and worship Him now

How great, how awesome is He

And together we sing, everyone sing

Holy is the Lord God Almighty

The earth is filled with his glory

Holy is the Lord God Almighty

The earth is filled with his glory

The earth is filled with his glory

And together we sing, everyone sing

It's rising up

All around

It's the anthem of

The Lord's renown

Holy, holy is the Lord Almighty

Holy, holy
By Chris Tomlin and Louie Giglio

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Wordless Wedneday - All Aboard!

Natalie's latest favorite thing to do....Trains!
For more wordless wednesday posts, check out Five Minutes for MOM!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Happy Fall

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

From one pumpkin to another!!!!!!!

A woman was asked by a coworker, 'What is it like to be a Christian?'The coworker replied, 'It is like being a pumpkin.' God picks you from the patch, brings you in, and washes all the dirt off of you. Then He cuts off the top and scoops out all the yucky stuff.He removes the seeds of doubt, hate, and greed. Then He carves you a new smiling face and puts His light inside of you to shine for all the world to see.'This was passed on to me by another pumpkin. Now it's your turn to pass it to other pumpkins.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Wordless Wednesday

For more wordless wednesday posts, check out Five minutes for mom!

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Menu Plan Monday

Okay it's been awhile since I've posted a menu. I make one out weekly - It truly has been a lifesaver for me in this house. We were forever doomed to eat hamburger helper and pizza because I never remembered to take something out of the freezer, or I didn't have something on hand. So now I always have 7 or more meals ready to be made. I love it!

So here is what we are eating in our neck of the woods this week:

Monday: Taco salad, corn cake - this new twist is sooo good!
Tuesday : Spaghetti, meatballs, salad, cheese filled bread sticks from Schwans -yum! -Boy Scouts tonight
Wednesday: Pizza - also from Schwans, veggies and dip - Awana tonight
Thursday: Sloppy Joes, Tator Tots, corn on the cob - Middle School Football Game tonight
Friday: Chicken Pot pie, peach jello with peaches
Saturday: There are like 3 Fall family fun festivals going on. Probably hit one of those and get some grub. Otherwise BBQ Ribs on the grill
Sunday: Getting pictures taken with kids and all their cousins. Hoping to just hit a restaurant after the appointment if all goes well.

That's it for me, check out Laura's blog for more yummy ideas!

Friday, September 28, 2007

Faith- Lift Friday's

Encourage others and yourself! Share a scripture, quote, devotional, lyrics, or anything that has blessed you and strengthened you in your faith. Don't forget to grab the button and to link back to Sheryl's post.

Okay, I have been going through a lot of changes with things around the house, with friendships, pretty much everything in general has been through a whirlwind these days and the thing I am struggling most with isn't my faith that God is in control, or that he is getting me through it all. That is what I have the most comfort in. What I am dealing with these days is the inability to express or explain the gospel to others. I struggle and stumble over my words horribly. I look as if I don't know what I am trying to say and it frustrates me.
I had a good conversation the other night with the mil. We were talking about death and related topics. I thought I put in some good information about my thoughts on the matter - here she took it completely opposite of what I had intended! UGH! I question my ability to be a discussion group leader. So as I was getting frustrated I of course turn to prayer and as I read my daily bread that night, I realize I need to open my bible more to get the answers that I need.
The Bible will transform our lives
And turn us from our sin
If we study and obey
God's principles within. - Sper

If you want to look up daily devotionals at Our Daily Bread you can click here. I read the booklets our church has available for us. Have a wonderful Friday and enjoy the last weekend in September!!

Make Me Smile Award

My dear friend KC awarded me with this last week and I just now am getting around to accepting it. Thank you so much! You always make me smile as well:) This is what the person who created this award says about it- the thing that I love most about blogging is that I learn so much about a person just by reading their blog. I have met MANY wonderful people with wonderful stories to tell, and I am grateful every day for each person that I have the pleasure of crossing paths in life with. I wanted to create something special for the top ten people who have inspired me through their blogging; the stories they tell, and the lives that they lead with grace and dignity. I visit their blogs for inspiration and encouragement.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Wordless Wednesday - It's a Cricket!

Kinda hard to see, it's on Ethan's finger. Who knows how the little bugger got inside. The kids wanted to keep him for a pet. Oh boy.....
For more WW posts, check out Five Minutes for MOM

Friday, September 14, 2007

Candy Corn

Let me take a minute to share my thoughts on this lovely fall treat. When I was in high school, I was a candy corn fanatic. Couldn't get enough of this sugary stuff. My friends and I would load up on it whenever we had an assembly or class trip. Now over the years out of tradition, I fill up my glass pumpkin with it every fall although the stuff just doesn't taste like it used to.
I have discovered a new twist on it, If you like payday candy bars, you will love this... You take a handful of salted peanuts and a few candy corns and voila! A yummy little treat. One of my new faves. I found a brownie recipe that has a topping of candy corn and peanuts that I am going to try for dessert next week. I will share that Monday and let you know how it turns out.
Now this year miss Natalie found for me two new flavors of candy corn when we were shopping at Walgreen's the other day. Brach's makes caramel and caramel apple. The carmel, I am loving. The carmel apple, the kids are loving. It just wouldn't be fall with out it!

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

Ok I know it is not Halloween yet, I usually plan so much for the holidays before they come that when it is here, I am tired of it already. But my thursday thirteen is Halloween related. As I am getting busy digging this stuff out. I am doing my first sales on Ebay because our Halloween box is overflowing, so I am selling some that I know will probably not be worn by our family again. I would post a pic of each, but I haven't gotten that far yet.

1. Baby pea pod
2. Baby bunny
4. Train
5. Devil girl
6. Fairy
7. Belly Dancer
8. Space Lord
9. Tootsie Roll
10. Jeff Gordon Jumpsuit
11. Flower
12. Alien
13. Bumble Bee

Monday, September 10, 2007

Long time, No Bloggy

I got on here today and could not believe my last post date! August! Here we are in the second week of Sept! Anyways, like most of you I have been busy starting my slow down period. Ha, Ha. I think this week I will finally get into the groove of back to school. I love summer and the spontaneity of it, but I do like to get back on to a good schedule. Although putting the kids back on a schedule isn't quite as easy a task. So we started first grade, started preschool, started eighth grade, Had a few birthday parties, First middle school football game, some cookouts with family, lost a few teeth. Now this week begins MOPS and Awana. Just a few more trips across town for me. But that is our life and I love it!

I will post pics on the family blog of all the excitement going on around here, but I just wanted to put a post on here and say that yes, I am still alive! Thanks for those of you who asked. hee, hee.

Friday, August 24, 2007

Faith Lift Friday

Encourage others and yourself! Share a scripture, quote, devotional, lyrics, or anything that has blessed you and strengthened you in your faith.Don't forget to grab the button and to link back to Sheryl's post

"Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy, and where thieves break in and steal. But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where moth and rust do not destroy, and where thieves do not break in and steal. For where your treasure is, there will be your heart also" (Matthew 6:19-21)

For the past week or so I have been reading this book.
Breathe - Creating Space for God in a Hectic Life I cannot tell you how refreshing this has been. I really keep saying I want to slow down, enjoy the moments and simplify. This has some great ways of putting things like hectic schedules, and being scattered everywhere to rest and how to be mindful and how to create sabbath simplicity. It really is helping me as I am really working on re shifting my focus and attention for myself and my family to where it needs to be. I have found myself thinking of this book during my day when I handle situations with the kids and I do, I refocus, pray on spot if I need to and we move through smoothly.