I've been tagged by
Stacey for this fun little meme.1. What time did you get up this morning?
About 7:00 AM2. Diamonds or pearls?
DIAMONDS3. What was the last film you saw in the cinema?
Norbit, we actually went to see music & lyrics and were sold tickets to the wrong film. Too late to change movies.4.What is your favorite
tv show?
American Idol5. What did you have for breakfast?
Did I eat breakfast? Oh! a few peanut butter m&m cookies. nice and healthy :)6. What is your middle name?
Lee7. What is your favorite cuisine?
It's a tie between Italian and mexican8. What foods do you dislike?
There are quite a few foods I dislike, I am pretty picky.
9. What are your favorite chips?
Chocolate10. What is your favorite CD at the moment?
I don't listen to whole CDs I download songs online individually.11. What kind of car do you drive?
Dodge Durango12. Favorite sandwich?
Hamburger straight from the grill with lettuce and tomato on a toasted bun13. What characteristics can't you stand?
dishonesty14. What are your favorite clothes?
Jeans and a V-neck t-shirt, or capris and white tennies or sandles15. If you could go anywhere on vacation where would it be?
Someplace warm and secluded with just my husband16. Wore at sixteen?
I don't remember17. Where would you want to retire?
On the road. We want to travel when we retire18. Favorite time of day?
Early morning before the whole world wakes up.
19. Where were you born?
In Ohio20. Favorite events to watch?
I like to go to Indians and Browns games21. Coke or Pepsi?
Coke22. Beavers or Ducks?
What kind of crazy question is this??23. Are you a morning person or night owl?
morning person24. Pedicures or manicures?
Pedicures25. What did you want to be when you were little?
An artist, until I discovered I had no artistic talents.26. What is your best childhood memory?
Way to many to pick from, mostly Holidays with extended family.27. Ever been to Africa?
No28. Ever been toilet papering?
yes29. Been in a car accident?
yes- a few too many 30. Favorite day of the week?
They all kind of blend together. Are there different days in the week? I would say Sunday since I usually have everyone together on that day. 31. Favorite flower?
purple petunias32. Favorite restaurant?
Macaroni Grill33.Favorite ice cream?
Moose Tracks34. Favorite fast food restaurant?
Wendy's35. How many times did you fail your driver's test?
None! Almost perfect score:)36. From whom did you get your last e-mail?
Haven't checked e-mail today, I think the last one I opened was from Shaunda yesterday.37. What store would you like to max out your credit card?
Target, Kohl'sor Old Navy. Although I don't use credit cards. All my shopping is done with cold hard cash :) Soo glad we have all those stores close to us now! :)38. Last person you went to dinner with?
husband and kids at Casa Fiesta39.What are you listening to right now?
My quiet house since everyone is sleeping:)40. What is your favorite color?
purple 41. How many tattoos do you have?
none42. How many are you sending this e-mail to?
Anyone who reads my blog43. What time did you finish this blog entry?
10:31 Pm44. Favorite magazine?
Family Fun.
45. Coffee or tea?
Coffee! Oh how I miss my coffee. I was doing great, not even wanting it and now Easter is almost here. 9 more days and I can have it again! Whoo hoo!46. Do you tan easily or burn?
burn, then tan I was trying to catch some rays today. Beautiful!47. Do you color your hair?
Every 5 months a different color!48. What is the first car you ever purchased without your parents assistance?
1984 Dodge Aries, Grey with an awesome AM radio.
49What is your most dreaded household chore?
cleaning in general is dreaded to me. hee, hee. I'll say laundry because it NEVER goes away!50. Who do you tag to do this meme?
I'll pick Rachel. see if she is up for the challenge