Thursday, July 19, 2007

Thursday Thirteen

I have been thinking about jobs lately as my time I will be at home will be over before I know it. I was offered a job recently and turned it down as I am not ready to leave my baby yet. (My baby is 2) I won't be going back into the workforce until she is in kindergarten, which next year she will start preschool already. AHHHH! Anyways. Right now, this season I am in is all I have ever wanted to be, wanted to do. Sounds a little Old-Fashioned Betty Crockerish, but its what I never had growing up. I even told Bill the first week we were dating, we were 20 and talking about what we wanted to be when we grew up, I said I want to have a career that I love, but first and foremost I want to be a mom and stay home with my kids.
Thirteen Things I Love about my Job - Stay at home Mom
1. I am always able to be somewhere I love
2. My kids don't have to go through being shipped around daily
3. I always know what everyone has eaten during the day and know they are eating right
4. I am able to work in some kind of exercise that involves the kids - Good for mommy- Good for kids
5. I am able to keep my house somewhat in order = some kind of cleaning daily
6. I never have to set an alarm clock
7. I get to take a nap everyday:)
8. During the summer there are so many fun things I can do with the kids. We don't have to squeeze everything into two days.
9. I get to enjoy all the joys of the seasons changing, little silly holidays all the wonderment that is little kids. I get to be here first hand.
10. I am always available when the kids are sick
11. I don't get a regular paycheck, but there is a thrill in finding ways to save money and finding good deals. I am amazed at by putting time into things, how much money you really have!
12. Am around to make sure hubby has everything he needs to go to work. Clean clothes, lunch packed
13. I am able to take care of my family the best way I know how Everyday.


MOPS said...

totally love your T13!

KC said...

Great T13
I couldn't agree with you more if I tried.
starting at this is the job I had wanted ever since i was a little kid(even though I totally suck at keeping the house in order, I was better at doing that when I was working then I am now that i"m home all day LOL but then I have 2 more kids and all of them are home all day) going right down the list
OHHHHHHHHHHH the alarm clock thing.. I HATE alarm clocks.. I like waking up when our eyes open because we have slept all we wanted too not because the alarm clock is beeping.. This is why I love summer so much and I dread the kids going back to school.

Stayllo said...

That's a great list. I'm really going to miss being a stay at home mom.

palmtreefanatic said...

This is a super TT! love it, and I have to agree with each one! Though I work 1 and a half days a week, I still have the feeling of being a SAHM! its a wonderful thing in my position;)